2015圣诞节一: As we were putting out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, I accidentally dropped one. "No problem," I said, picking it up and dusting it off before placing it back on the plate. "You can’t do that," argued my four-year-old. "Don’t worry. Santa will never know." He shot me a look. "So he knows if I’ve been bad or good, but he doesn’t know the cookie fell on the floor?" 平安夜那天,在我们分发饼干时,我一不小心掉了一块到地上。“没关系。”我一边说,一边捡起来,并在放回盘子前掸掉了上面的灰。“你不能那么做。”我四岁大的孩子争论道。“别担心,圣诞老人不会知道的。”他朝我瞟了一眼。“这就是说他知道我有没有做坏事,而他不知道饼干掉在地上过?” 2015圣诞节英语笑话二: What do sheep say to each other at Christmastime? 绵羊在圣诞节会对其它同伴说什么? Merry Christmas to ewe(发音同you)! 母羊圣诞节快乐。(祝你圣诞节快乐) What's the best thing to put into Christmas dinner? 把什么放进圣诞大餐上最好。 Your teeth! 你的牙齿。 Why should Christmas dinner always be well done? 为什么圣诞节都要吃大餐? So you can say "Merry Crispness"! 因为你就可以说“吃得快乐” Knock Knock. 咚咚咚。 Who's there? 谁呀 Mary. 玛丽 Mary who? 哪个Mary? Mary Christmas! Mary Christmas(圣诞节快乐) A definition of Christmas: 圣诞节的定义: The time when everyone gets "Santa"-mental. 人人都为圣诞老人疯狂。 What did one Christmas cracker say to the other Christmas cracker? 一个圣诞节爆竹会对另一个圣诞节爆竹说什么? My POP is bigger than yours! 我的爆炸声比你的爆炸声大 What do you call an elf who steals gift wrap from the rich and gives it to the poor? 你把从富人家偷来礼物送给穷人家的精灵叫什么? Ribbon Hood!(Robin Hood) What comes at the end of Christmas Day? 圣诞节Christmas Day最后的是什么? The letter "Y"! 字母Y What do angry mice send to each other in December? 生气的老鼠在12月给每个人送什么? Cross mouse cards! 穿过老鼠卡(Christmas Card圣诞贺卡) What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? 亚当在圣诞节前一晚说什么? It's Christmas, Eve! Eve,是圣诞节了。(It's Christmas Eve 平安夜) "Do you ever buy any Christmas Seals?" 你会买圣诞节期间使用的纪念邮票吗?(你会买Christmas 海豹吗?) "No, I wouldn't know how to feed them." 不会,我不知道怎么养它们。 What is the best key to get at Christmas? 圣诞节最好的key是什么? A turkey! turkey(伙计) What's the best thing to give your parents for Christmas? 圣诞节给父母送什么最好? A list of everything you want! 你最想要的礼物清单。(免得爸妈还要绞尽脑汁的'想送什么给我) What do wild animals sing at Christmastime? 圣诞节野生动物都唱什么? Jungle bells, jungle bells, jungle all the way! (丛林响叮当,丛林响叮当,到处都是丛林) (jingle bells) What's the favourite Christmas Carol of new parents? 刚当上爸妈的人圣诞节最喜欢唱什么歌? Silent Night! 安静的夜。(今晚孩子不要哭) Where do mistletoe go to become famous? 槲寄生在哪儿出名的? "Holly" wood! 好莱坞。(神圣的森林) What did one Christmas light say to the other Christmas light? 圣诞蜡烛会对其它同伴说什么? You light me up!(歌曲) 你照亮了我。类似笑话
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