说一个笑话英语一: A bull wrestler was visiting his friend in a small town, and one night they stayed a little too long at the pub. Not wanting to drive, they decided to walk home. As they were crossing a farmer's field, a bull charged them. The wrestler grabbed the bull by the horns, and they went down in a snarling heap. Finally the bull jumped up and ran away. "Wow," said the friend, "that was quite a tussle. " "Yeah," the wrestler replied, "and if I hadn't had that last drink, I would have gotten that guy off his bicycle. 说一个笑话英语二: The school of agriculture's dean of admissions was interviewing a prospective student. "Why have you chosen this career?" he asked. "I dream of making a million dollars in farming, like my father," the student replied. "Your father made a million dollars in farming?" echoed the impressed dean. "No," replied the applicant. "But he always dreamed of it. 说一个笑话英语三: The zoo built a special eight-foot-high enclosure for its newly acquired kangaroo, but the next morning the animal was found hopping around outside. The height of the fence was increased to 15 feet, but the kangaroo got out again. Exasperated, the zoo director had the height increased to 30 feet, but the kangaroo still escaped. A giraffe asked the kangaroo, "How high do you think they'll build the fence?" "I don't know, " said the kangaroo. "Maybe a thousand feet if they keep leaving the gate unlocked.类似笑话
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