1、富有的邻居 Rich neighbor Peter: Our neighborhood was quite rich Peter:我们的邻居非常富有 Thor: How rich was? Thor:怎么富有了 Peter: The miniature golf course had caddies Peter:他最小的一个高尔夫球场都有球童的啊~
2、f there are any idiots in the room,will they please stand up?" said the sarcastic teacher . 喜爱挖苦人的老师说:“如果在这间教室里面有白痴,就请站起来好吗?”。 After a long silence,one rreshman rose to his feet, 沉默了很久之后,有一名新生就站起来了。 "Now then mister ,why do you consider yourself an idiot? "enquired the teacher with a sneer. 老师就以讥笑的口气问他:“喂, 先生,你为什么认为你自己是个白痴呀?” "Well ,actually I don't,"said the student ,"but I hate to see you standing up there all byyourself." 这名学生说:“ 唉呀,实际上我才不认为我是个白痴呢,而是我很讨厌看着你一个人站在那里啦。”
3、lawyer opened the door of his BMW, 有一位律师打开他的 BMW 座车车门, when suddenly a car came along and hit the door,ripping it off completely. 当时刚好有一辆车子突然驶来撞上车门,而且把它完全给扯了下来。 When the police arrived at the scene,the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage tohis precious BMW. 当警察到达现场的时候,这名律师正在对他的昂贵BMW座车所受到的'损害,痛苦地抱怨不已。他满腹牢骚的向警察嘀咕说: "Officer,look what they've done to my BMW",he whined. “警官,你瞧瞧他们对我的 BMW所干的好事啦!” "You lawyers are so materialistic,you make me sick!!!"retorted the officer, 这名警官却回嘴说,“ 你们这些律师实在太唯物主义了,你真让我觉得恶心!” "You're so worried about your stuid BMW that you didn't even notice that your left arm wasripped off!!!" “你竟然这么担心你一的笨BMW车子,却没注意到你的左手臂被扯断了” "Oh my God!" replied the lawyer,finally noticing the bloody left shoulder where his arm oncewas,"Where's my Rolex?!" 这名律师最后注意到流着血的左肩膀,也就是他的手臂原先所在之处,他回答说:“哦,我的天哪!我的劳动士手表在哪里呀?”
1.大全 爆笑