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英语笑话带翻译 短的

2023-08-08 01:00:01

英语笑话带翻译 短的

  带翻译 短的一:

  A peddler(小贩) sold earthen basins in the wayside, he chanted as knocked:" Earthen basin is round, beautiful and solid, judging by the sound, they are all good." At the time of his knocking, that earthen basin was broken into pieces with a crack.Lookers-on burst into the roars of laughter. He threw the fragments without extra trouble into paddy fiel(稻田) , but an experienced peasant from the crowd did not let him off easily:" How the deuce can you throw them into my field? They'll impede(阻碍) my growing crops!"The peddler who sold earthen basins tried to explain it away promptly:" Nothing, the fragments will be converted into powder as soon as they absorbed water ."


  英语笑话带翻译 短的二:

  Mrs Brown was going out for the day. She locked the house and tacked a note for the milkman on the door: NOBODY HOME. DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING.When she got back that night, she found her door broken open and her houseransacked(洗劫,掠夺) . On the note she had left, she found the following message added:THANKS! WE HAVEN'T LEFT ANYTHING!

  布朗太太要外出一天。 她锁好了房门,在门上给送牛奶的人钉了一张便条:家里没人,请不要留下任何东西!她当天晚上回家后发现房间门被撞开,房子被洗劫一空。在她留给送奶人的便条上,她发现被补充了一句:谢谢!我们什么也没留下!

  英语笑话带翻译 短的三:

  The bus was crowded, and as one more man tried to get on, the passengers wouldn't let him aboard.It is too crowded, they shouted. who do you think you are?I am the driver. he said.


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