The Reason For Not Going Fishing Young Johnny turned up late for Sunday school one morning and the teacher wanted to know why. "Well,I was going to fishing,but my dad wouldn’t let me,"said Johnny. “I should think not,”replied the teacher."And did your father explain why you should not go fishing on this day2” “Oh yeah,”said Johnny.“He said he didn't have enough bait for both of us." 没去钓鱼的奇论 一天早上,小约翰星期天到学校上学时迟到了,老师想知道是怎么回事。 “是这样的,我本来要去钓鱼的,但爸爸不让我去。”约翰尼说。 “我想今天你爸爸也不会让你钓鱼的,”老师答道。“不过,他向你解释原因了呜?” “解释了,”约翰尼说,“他说鱼饵不够我们两个人的。” A Unique Examination A professor was known for being a generous marker. The grades he gave for one of his courses were based solely on two exams,and the stuff on the exams was covered entirely in the textbook. As word of the course spread,each term there was a large group of students who turned up infrequently,or not at all,just showing up for the exams. Finally, it got so bad that one term,about half of the students never turned up at all until the exams. On the day of first exam,the students sat down and a graduate assistant handed out the papers, explaining,"The professor is ill,so I’II be taking the exams.”When they opened the booklet,the students discovered just one question. It listed twenty grainy staff photos,and the instructions read,"Circle the picture of the professor who teaches this course.” 独特的考试形式 州立教授给学生判分是有名的好好先生,他每门课的成绩只根据两次考试的`结果,而考试内容全在课本里。由于这样的名声在外,每学期都有一大批学生不怎么来上课,或者根本不来上课只有考试的时候才露下面。有一学期,差不多有一半的学生直到考试连一堂课都没来听过。考第一场那天,学生们坐在那儿,一位助教发了卷子并解释说:“教授病了,我来监考。”打开卷子,只有一道题。题目列出了20幅教师的照片,要求是,在教这门课的教授的照片上划圈。类似笑话
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