Birthday Party 生日派对 On a special Teacher's Day,a kindergarten teacher was receiving gifts from her pupils. First, the florist's son handed her a gift. 在教师节里,一位幼儿园教师正在接受孩子们送给她的礼物,首先花匠的儿子递上他的礼物。 A:I bet I know what it is...some flowers. 我敢打赌我知道里面是什么……是一些花。 B:That is right, but how did you know? 是的,可是你是怎么知道的呢? A:Just a wild guess. 瞎猜的。 (The second pupil is the candy store owner's daughter.The teacher hands her gift over head. 第二个学生是糖果店老板的'女儿。老师把她送的礼物举起来。) A:I bet I can guess what it is...a box of candy. 我敢打赌我知道里面是什么,是一盒糖果。 C:That's right. But how did you know? 对了,但你怎么知道的? A:Just a lucky guess. 碰巧猜出来的。 (The third gift is from the liquor store owner's son. The teacher holds it over head but it is leaking. She touches a drop of the leakage with her finger and tastes it. 第三份礼物来自于酒店老板的儿子,老师把它举起来,但有液体漏了出来,她用手蘸了一滴漏出来的液体,尝了一下味道。) A:Is it wine? 是果酒吗? D:No. 不是。 (The teacher repeated the process touching another drop of leakage to her tongue. 老师又用舌头尝了一滴漏出来的东西。) A:Is it champagne? 是香槟吗? D:No. 不是。 A:Now, I give up. What is it? 好吧,我猜不着了,里面到底是什么呢? D:A puppy. 是一只小狗。类似笑话
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