圣诞节英文笑话一: A policeman escorted(押送,护送) a habitual criminal passing by a mountain village. Seeing contain sundries store at village end, the recidivist(惯犯) put forward to buy a of pack cigarette. The policeman pondered (长时间考虑,深思)over:You seized the chance to escape last time like so. Hum, Cut it out(少来这一套). Therefore he said to the prisoner:" You wait here, I go to buy." While coming back, he found the repeater(惯犯) missing still. 圣诞节英文笑话二: A cop pulled a car over on the highway for speeding. 警察在高速上拦下一辆超速的车。 When he asked for the driver's license, the driver argued, "Speeding? But officer, I was only trying to keep a safe distance between my car and the car in back of me." 当他要驾驶员的驾照时,驾驶员辩称,“超速,但是警官,我刚才只是想和我后边的车保持安全距离。” 圣诞节英文笑话三: A man was mowing his lawn when he heard his neighbor, who happened to be a blonde, come out of her house. She opened her mailbox, looked inside and slammed it shut. She stomped her foot and went back inside. The man thought ''how weird.'' 一个男人正在除草,听见他的邻居正好走出家门。这个邻居恰好是个金发碧眼美女。她打开邮箱,往里面看了看,然后又关上了它。她踱踱脚,转身回去。这个人觉得好奇怪啊! A few minutes passed and sure enough, the blonde came out of her house again, checked her mail box, stamped her foot and went back inside. The man stopped mowing and checked her mailbox to see what was so wrong with it. After seeing nothing, he went back to mowing just shrugging his shoulders. 几分钟过去了,金发美女又走出了房门,检查邮箱,跺跺脚又回去。这个人停止除草,去检查她的邮箱是否出了问题。没有发现什么,他耸了耸肩继续除草。 As soon as he heard her coming out again, he shut off his mowing machine and went up to her. ''What in the world are you doing, coming out here every five minutes?'' 当他再次听见她出来的时候,他关掉除草机走到她的'面前。“你每五分钟出来一次,到底在做什么呀?” The blonde looked up at the man and said, ''Well, you see, there's this little voice in my house that keeps on saying, 'You've got mail,' but when I come out here to check, I don't have any.'' 金发美女抬头看看这个人说道:“你看,我听到我房间这个微弱的声音一直在说,‘你有信件来了,’可是当我出来看的时候却发现什么都没有。”类似笑话
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