大全翻译一: One day a young businessman asked his girl friend, "Dear, will you marry me if I am bankrupt?" "Of course, I will." the girl said firmly. "Do you mean what you say?" the man asked. "That's what I want to ask you." the girl said. 一天一个年轻的商人问他女朋友: “亲爱的,如果我破产了你还会嫁给我吗?” “当然会。”女孩坚定的回答。 “你是说真的吗?”他问道。 “这正是我想问你的问题。”女孩说。 英语笑话大全翻译二: On the bus a man discovered a pickpocket's hand thrust into his pocket."sorry," he said to thepickpocket(扒手) , "you are too late. My wife did it before you." 在公共汽车上一人发现一个小偷把手伸到了他的口袋里。“对不起,”他对小偷说,“你太晚了,我妻子在你之前就做过同样的.事情了。” 英语笑话大全翻译三: Husband: Did you sew the button on my shirt, darling?Wife: No, dear. I couldn't find the button, so I just sewed up the buttonhole. 丈夫:你给我把扣子缝好了吗,亲爱的?妻子:没有,亲爱的。我找不到扣子,所以我只把扣眼儿给缝上了。类似笑话
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