英语笑话:Monkey Business
A policeman took a monkey to his boss. The boss asked, "What kind of monkey business are you getting up to? He said, "This monkey was wandering on the streets, not following any of the rules. I'm turning him in.The boss said, "Oh, my God! You're so dumb! If you catch a monkey, you have to take it to the zoo. Why bring it to me. Take it to the zoo! So the policeman took the monkey out.Three or four days later, he was seen again, holding the monkey's hand.He took the monkey to the police car, opened the door, put it in, and was about to drive away. The boss saw this, ran out, and asked, "Oh, my God! How come the monkey is still here? I told you to take it to the zoo.The policemanreplied, "Yes, sir. I've already taken him to the zoo. Today, I'm taking him to see a movie." 有一位警察大哥带了只猴子给他上司看,他上司就说他:“你搞什么猴子把戏?”警察大哥说:“这猴子在大街上到处乱跑,什么法律都不懂,我把它捉了回来,治它的罪。”上司说:“天啊,你怎么那么笨?捉到猴子就把它带到动物园去嘛,带给我干嘛?带它到动物园去。”后来那警察大哥就带了猴子出去了。三、四天后还看见他跟猴子手拉手打开警察车门让猴子坐进去,正准备开车,他上司跑了出来说他:“天啊,为什么到现在还把猴子留在这儿,我不是叫你把它带到动物园去的吗?为什么还在这儿?”警察大哥:“我有呀!我已经带它去了动物园,今天带它去看电影!类似笑话
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