There was a lady that wanted larger breasts, so she went to Dr.Smith and asked him how she could enlarge her breasts. The doctor said, "Every morning, when you awake, stand up and say, Scobbie doobie doobie I want bigger boobies!" So the lady did. Every morning she woke up and would stand in front of the mirror and say, "Scoobie doobie doobie I want bigger boobies!" After about a month, her breasts were a lot bigger -- leaving her happy and proud. Then one morning she woke up late and had to rush out of the house to get to work. She got on the bus and realized she forgot the magic morning ritual. So she stood up on the bus and said, "Scoobie doobie doobie I want bigger boobies." A man across from her came over and said, "Do you go see Dr. Smith?" "How do you know that?," she asked. "I go see him too," he said, "but I say, Hickory dickory dock..."
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