My son,who made the dean’s list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, called home a few weeks after starting his sophomore year as a psychology student. 我儿子是印第安那市曼西尔波州立大学的学生,大学一年级就上了系主任的表扬名单。第二年他学学,刚几个星期他就给家里打了个电话。 "Mom,” he said excitedly, "I have found the answer to surviving college 1 It isn't the grades that are so important , but the quality of what is learned and how it is applied to daily life. I’m lucky to be having these wonderful experiences!” “妈妈,”他激动地说:“我找到了如何在大学里生存下去的答案!重要的不是分数,而是具备将学到的知识应用于日常生活的素质。我很幸运地有了这种奇妙的经历。” "And just what does this mean?" I asked. “你到底是什么意思?”我问道。 "I' m flunking math.” he replied. “我数学没及格。”他回答说。篇二:开心一刻笑话大全英文
Maxine, the platinum blonde, reported for her final examination which consisted of Yes/No answers. She took her seat in the examination hall, stared at the question paper, and then in a bit of inspiration, took a quarter out of her purse. She started tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet" Yes" for heads and "No" for tails. Within 30 minutes she was all done whereas the rest of the class was still sweating it out. During the last few minutes of the exam period,Maxine frantically started flipping the coin again. 麦西尼有一头银白色秀发,正在参加期末考试,试卷上的题目只有“对”和“不对”两种答案。她在考场里坐了下来开始答卷,这时她灵机一动,从钱包里拿出了一枚两角五分的硬币,往上抛硬币,出现正面就填“对”,反面就填“不对”。只用了30分钟的时间,她就做完了,而此时别的同学还在冥思苦想。但离考试完毕还有最后几分钟时,麦西尼又开始疯狂地抛硬币。 The moderator, concerned about what she was doing, stopped by her desk and asked if she was ok. 监考官对她的所作所为很好奇,便走到她的`桌旁,问她是否有问题。 "Oh yes, I' m fine. I finished the exam a half hour ago一but,”explaining the frantic coin tossing, "I' m going back through and checking my answers!” “我还好,半小时前我就答完了,现在我想从后往前的再检查一遍。”她这样解释抛硬币的原因。篇三:开心一刻笑话大全英文
TEACHER: In what countries are elephants found? 老师:在哪些国家发现了大象? STUDENT: Teacher. Elephants are very large and intelligent animals,and are seldom lost. 学生:老师,大象是一种巨型的并且是一种充满智慧的动物,因此,它是不会迷路的。 TEACHER: A noun is the name of a person or a thing. Who can give me a noun? 老师:名词是一个人的名字或是一件事。谁能给我举个例子? STUDENT: A cow. 学生:母牛。 TEACHER: Very good. Another noun? 老师:很好。你能再举个例子吗。 STUDENT: Another cow. 学生:另外一头母牛。 TEACHER: Jim, what are the three words which some of you use most often in class? 老师:吉姆,你经常在课堂上说的三个字是什么? STUDENT; I don’t know. 学生:不知道。 TEAL HER: Correct. 老师:答对了。篇四:开心一刻笑话大全英文
Department一store automatic answering machine: 百货公司自动答复机: "If you are calling to order or send money, press5.” “如果您想定货或者付定金请按
5。” "If you are calling to register a complaint, press 645954145452772.” “如果您想登记投诉请按645954145452772” "Have a good day.” “祝您愉快。”