Once there was a young man who was so confident in his strength(力量)that he offered a $1000 bet. He would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money. Many people, including weight lifters, truck drivers, etc., had tried, but nobody could do it. One day a scrawny little man came up and said in a low voice, "I'd like to try the bet." People all laughed, but the young man said OK. He grabbed a lemon, and squeezed it. Then he handed it to the little man. The thin man clenched his fist around the lemon and, to everyone's surprise, six drops fell into the glass. As the crowd cheered ,the young man paid the $1000,and asked the little man, "What do you do for a living? Are you a weight lifter, or what?" The man replied, "I work for the IRS." 从前有个年青人,他对自己的力气信心十足,并愿出1000美元和别人打赌。他能把一只柠檬内的`汁全部挤出,如果有人还能挤出一滴来,他将赢得这笔钱。 包括举重运动员、卡车司机在内的许多人都试过了,可惜没有一个人成功。一天,一个瘦小男人走来并低声说:"我愿打这个赌。" 在场的人哈哈大笑,但年青人同意了。他抓起一只柠檬挤了挤,然后递给小个子男人。 这个瘦弱的男人用手紧握着柠檬,出人意料地挤出了六滴柠檬汁。 在人们的欢呼声中,年青人支付了1000美元,并问这个男人:"你从事什么职业?是举重运动员还是其他什么?" 男子回答说:"我在美国国税局工作。"类似笑话
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