如果我是一个经理 if I Am a Manager if I Am a Manager One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition – if I Am a Manager. All the students began to write except a boy. The teacher went to him and asked the reason. “I am waiting for my secretary,” was the boy’s answer. 如果我是一个经理 一天课上,老师要同学们以“如果我是一个经理”为题写一篇。 所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。老师走过去问他为什么不写。 “我在等我的'秘书”。那孩子答道。 这难道不好吗? Isn’t it wonderful? "What are you so happy about?"a woman asked the 98-year-old man. "I broke a mirror," he replied. "But that means seven years of bad luck." "I know." he said, beaming,"Isn’t it wonderful?" 这难道不好吗? “你高兴什么?”一个女士问一个98岁的老人。 “我打碎了一个镜子。”他回答。 “但那预示着7年的坏运气。” “我知道。”他高兴地说,“这难道不好吗?” 脑移植 A Brain Transplant The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant. "You have your choice of two brains," he told the patient, "For $1000 you can have the brain of a psychologist, or for $10,000 you can have the brain of a politician." The patient was amazed at the huge difference in price. "Is the brain of a politician that much better?" he asked. The Brain Surgeon replied, "No, it’s not better, just unused." 脑移植 一个外科医生正要作一个脑移植手术。 “你可以从两个脑子中选一个给你。”医生告诉病人,“一个学家的大脑1000美元,一个政治家的大脑10000美元。 病人很惊讶二者之间这样大的差别,“政治家的大脑好一些吗?”他问。 医生说:“不是好一些,只是没有用过。”类似笑话
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