Sharing everything
A young man saw an elderly couple sitting down to lunch at McDonald's. He noticed that they had ordered one meal, and an extra drink cup. As he watched, the gentleman carefully divided the hamburger in half, then counted out the fries, one for him, one for her, until each had half of them. Then he poured half of the soft drink into the extra cup and set that in front of his wife. The old man then began to eat, and his wife sat watching, with her hands folded in her lap. 一个年轻人在麦当劳里看见一对年迈的'夫妇在吃午餐。他发现那对夫妇只点了单人餐,还要了一个空杯子。年轻人看见丈夫认真地把汉堡分成两半,把薯条一根一根数出来同样放成两堆,一份给自己,一份放在妻子面前。之后丈夫把饮料一半倒到空杯子里,同样放到妻子面前。这时丈夫开始吃了,而妻子却把手摊在膝盖上,在一旁看着。 The young man decided to ask if they would allow him to purchase another meal for them so that they didn't have to split theirs. 年轻人决定上前请那对夫妇允许他为他们再买一份单人餐,这样他们就不用分一份了。 The old gentleman said, "Oh no. We've been married 50 years, and everything has always been and will always be shared, 50/50." 丈夫说道:“哦,不用了。我们已经结婚50年了,所有的东西我们都会一起分享,对半儿分。” The young man then asked the wife if she was going to eat, and she replied, "It's his turn with the teeth." 然后年轻人问妻子她为什么不吃,她说:“这回他先用假牙。”类似笑话
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