最好笑的2014:Humorabouttheelderly OLD BASKETBALL players never die, they just go on dribbling OLD BEEKEEpERS never die, they just buzz off OLD BIKERS never die, but they‘re hard on tires OLD BIOLOGISTS never die, they just ferment away OLD BLONDES never fade, they just dye away OLD BOOKKEEpERS never die, they just lose their figures OLD BOOKS never die, they just go out-of-print OLD BOWLERS never die, they just end up in the gutter OLD brAKES never die, they just grind down OLD brIDGE pLAYERS never die, they just lose their finesse OLD brIDGE pLAYERS never die, they just sit around on their fat aces OLD BUDGETS never die, they are fillibustered OLD BUREAUCRATS never die, they just waste away OLD BURGLARS never die, they just steal away OLD BUSINESSES never die, they just get consolidated 最好笑的`英语笑话2014:Humorabouttheold OLD CANNERS never die, they are preserved OLD CARS never die, they just get run into the ground OLD CASHIERS never die, they just check out OLD CHAUFFEURS never die, they just lose their drive OLD CHEMISTS never die, they just do it inorganically OLD CHEMISTS never die, they just fail to react OLD CHEMISTS never die, they just lose their refluxes OLD CHEMISTS never die, they just reach equilibrium OLD CHEMISTS never die, they just smell that way OLD CLEANING pEOpLE never die, they just kick the bucket OLD COMpOSERS never die, they just decompose OLD COMpUTER pEOpLE never die, they just lose their memory OLD COMpUTER pROGRAMMERS never die, they just byte the dust OLD COOKS never die, they just get deranged OLD COURIERS never die, they just keep on EXpRESSing it! 最好笑的英语笑话2014:OldAgeHumor OLD CREDIT CARDS never die, they just expire OLD CRICKETERS never die, they just get bowled over OLD CRICKETERS never die, they just get smashed for six OLD DANCERS never die, they just step away OLD DAREDEVILS never die, they just get discouraged OLD DEANS never die, they just lose their faculties OLD DENTISTS never die, they just lose their pull OLD DIETERS never die, they just waist away OLD DIVERS never die, they just extend their bottom time OLD DIVERS never die, they just flop OLD DIVERS never die, they just get board OLD DIVERS never die, they just lose their spring OLD DOCTORS never die, they just lose their patience OLD EDITORS do it with a red pen OLD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS never die, they just have slower rise times类似笑话
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