英文笑话集锦一: Paddy There was a small boy who had been given a little terrier for his very own, on which he bestowed the name of Paddy, and loved mightily. He was very saddened by the fact that he could not take his pet away with him on his holidays, which he was spending with some relatives in the country.Whilst he was away Paddy's young life was cut short by an unfortunate adventure with a motor. The boy's mother feared he would take the news very hardly on his return,she broke it very gently,therefore, and was rather surprised that the little lad did not seem much perturbed. Later, however, she heard him weeping lustily in his bed. He was inarticulate with grief, but his brother explained that he was cryingabout Paddy. But, said the mother, I told him about it this morning, and he did not seem to mind! The brother explained, yes, but he thought you said Daddy. 英文笑话集锦二: What's your name?A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He had never seen them before,so he began:My name is Stone, and I'm even harder than stone,so do what I tell you or there'll be trouble. Don't try any tricks with me, and then we'll get on well together Then he went to each soldier one after another and asked him his name. Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly, he said, and don't forget to call me 'sir'. Each soldier told him his name, unitl he came to the last one. This man remained silent, and so Captain Stone shouted at him, When I ask you a question, answer it! I'll ask you again: What's you name, soldier? The soldier was very unhappy, but at last he replied. My name is Stonebreaker, sir. He said nervously. 英文笑话集锦三: Judge: I don't understand why you broke into the same store three nights in a row.Prisoner: Well, Your Honor, I picked out a dress for my wife, and I had to change it twice because she didn't like the style.类似笑话
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