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笑话 英语笑话

2023-12-01 01:00:00



  Will and Bill were quarrelling about whose father was the stronger man. Will said, “Well, you know the Pacific Ocean ? My father's the one who dug the hole for it.”  Bill wasn't impressed, “Well, that's nothing. You know the Dead Sea ? My father's the one who killed it!”

  谁的父亲更强壮  威尔和比尔在为谁的父亲更强壮而争吵。威尔说: “ 喏,你知道太平洋吗?就是我爸爸为它挖的`洞。”  比尔不屑一顾: “ 噢,那没什么。你知道死海吗?那是我爸爸杀死的。 ”


  The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. then he started again, and said he:"Let me ask the evolutionist a question --- if we had tails like a baboon, where are they?""I'll venture an answer, " said an old lady. "We have worn them off sitting here so long.".

  教进化论的老师已经滔滔不绝地讲了快两个小时,他的话题又来了:“让我向进化论者提个问题——如果我们曾经像狒狒那样长着尾巴,那么现在尾巴到哪里去了?”“我来试试看,”一位老太太说。 “该是我们在这里坐这么久把它们磨掉了吧。”


  "Oh, my poor man," exclaimed the kind old lady, "It must be dreadful to be lame. But it would be much worse if you were blind."

  "You're absolutely right," said the beggar, obviously an old hand at the game." When I was blind, people kept giving me foreign coins."



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