笑话大王 极品英语笑话段子
篇一: I was studying in Texas,the US.When I tried to tell our professor that "here I am," I said "I'm coming." The professor can't be more embarrassed. 在美国德州读书。当时想向教授表达"我来了",然后我来了句"I'm coming"。教授整个人都不好了。 "I'm coming" is often said by people when they are about to have an orgasm. It's a phrase heard on American tv shows and movies and it's used in off-color jokes. Instead,"Here!" or "I'm not here but on the way" is what the professor thought he or she was going to hear. 提示:"I'm coming"是人在性高潮临近时说的话,经常在美剧、电影和有色笑话里听到。怎么表达才让教授听懂呢?可以说"Here!"(我已经到了)或者"I'm not here but on the way"(我在路上了). 篇二: When I travelled by air in Britain, the stewardess served me some water and I said "Thanks", she said"cheers", then I raised my cup. She looked puzzled. Then out of the plane I found almost all people, from Customs staff to shuttle bus driver, were saying "cheers." Why cheers? I have no glass in hand! 去英国时坐飞机,空姐倒完水之后我说Thanks,空姐说Cheers,于是我就对她举了举杯。空姐当时就惊呆了。再之后从海关到机场大巴司机,一路上都有人跟我说cheers。我就疑惑了啊:我这手里也没杯子啊,怎么cheers?! British use "cheers" as "thank you and good bye!" 提示:英国人说cheers表示"谢谢,再见"的意思。 An airport staffer asked me "Who are you flying with?" and I said "Myself." He was surprised and then laughed, adding "Which airline?" 机场工作人员问:Who are you flying with?(你坐哪家航空公司?)我答:Myself。对方大囧,一笑之后补充:Which airline? 小编提示:原来Who在英语里也可以泛指航空公司等群体或组织。"Who" in English can also refer to a group or an organization such as airlines. 篇三: A friend in New York City asked strangers the way to the Statue of Liberty and said "Where is the Free Woman?"!!! 一个朋友去纽约问路,管自由女神(the Statue of Liberty)叫The Free Woman!!!类似笑话
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