简短英文笑话一: In a sales company, the boss said to one of his employees, "The main thing to remember is repetition, repetition, repetition! That's the key! If you have a product to sell, keep harping on it in every way possible. Repeat it; cram it down people's throats. Even make yourself sickening and repulsive if you have to, but don't everforget to repeat, repeat, repeat. It's the only way to get results and sell our products!" So, the employee said, "Yes, sir!" Then the boss said, "Now, what was it you came to see me about?" And the employee replied, "Well, sir, it's about a raise, a raise, a raise!" 简短英文笑话二: a man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before. "you will get your chance in court." said the desk sergeant. "no, no, no." said the man. "i want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. i've been trying to do that for years." 简短英文笑话三: An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings currently on display. "I've got good news and bad news," the owner replied. "The good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all fifteen of your paintings." "That's wonderful!" the artist exclaimed, "What's the bad news?". With concern, the gallery owner replied, "The guy was your doctor."类似笑话
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