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I am a Busy Man
笑话 无题 英语笑话

2024-08-21 01:00:00

I am a Busy Man

  I am a Busy Man One day a bunch of naughty children wanted to make fun of him and said to him:" There are birds' eggs on that tree. Won't you get them for us please? We can't climb up." Loath to disappoint the children, he was ready to climb the tree. But knowing that the mischievous youngsters would make off with his boots if he left them on the ground, he tied them to his waist-band before he started the climb. "We'll take care of your boots for you!" the children chorused. "No, thank you!" was he reply. "I am a busy man. And as soon as I've got the eggs for you, I'll make my way home along the tree-tops."

  有一天,一群顽皮的孩子想捉弄他,便对他说:“那树上有鸟蛋,请你替我们拿下来好吗?我们爬不上去。”他不想使孩子们失望,便准备爬上树去。但是他知道如果把靴子留在地上,这群顽皮的`小鬼一定会把靴子拿走,于是他先把靴子系在腰带上,然后开始爬树。孩子们齐声说:“我们会替你保管好你的靴子的。” 他回答道:“谢谢你们,不必了。我是个忙人。替你们取到蛋后,我就要沿着树顶走回家的。”

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