安全套的广告向来比较敏感。为了防止疾病传播,以往的大多数这类型广告都爱走恐吓路线。而杜蕾斯却抓到了一个更有效、更有趣的宣传点!既表达出了广告主旨、又准确宣传了自己的`品牌!真是绝了! Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice. 认了吧,套套就是会让人兴致全无。所以我们要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯这个品牌呢? When you are a twenty-one year old stallion, what might be the best reason to put it on? 当你21岁、精力旺盛,什么是让你用套套的最好原因? "I'm pregnant." “我有了。” To be honest, guys don't really care that much about sexually transmitted diseases. But BABYS, they just won't disappear with a visit to the doctor. 说真的,男生并不真的担心传染性病。但宝宝嘛……那可不是看一次医生就能解决的事儿。 So we thought, let's simulate the experience of having a new born. And give you a taste of what it really feels like. 所以我们想,那就让你来体验一下如果真的有了新生儿是什么感觉吧! We created a mobile application where you can knock-up a friend's phone. Download and install the application. Find a phone to mate, and gently rub the two phones against each other. And there you go! 我们创造一种手机应用程序,你可以把它绑定在朋友的手机上。下载并安装这个程序。找一只手机,和它轻轻摩擦,这就成了! The baby will require your utmost attention: feed it, tickle it, rub, bubble, or hug...using every trick in the book to make it stop crying! 这个手机宝贝会要求你100%的注意力:喂他、逗他、抚摸、逗趣儿、抱抱……总之使尽一切招数,只求让他别哭! Everytime you close the application, you will be remined: use durex. With facebook connect, the world will know you've become a dad.In the dates of baby events will start poping up on your profile. 每次当你关掉这个程序,就会看到“用杜蕾斯吧”的提示。而如果你的手机和facebook关联,那全世界都会知道你当爸爸了。每次宝宝的重要事件,你的主页上都会反映出来。 On durex condom packages replace QR texts that link to a durex baby unsign-up application.Download it, and you are babyfree. 只有杜蕾斯产品上附有解除程序的条形码。下载它,你才能解放。 at least until the real magic happens... 当然,除非你真的中招了……类似笑话
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