随着现代社会的发展,越来越多的也进入了我们的视线,下面由应届毕业生小编整理的多篇英语笑话,希望你喜欢。 相同的职责 The Same DutiesA retired four-star general ran into his former orderly, also retired, in a Manhattan bar and spent the rest of the evening persuading him to come work for him as his valet. "Your duties will be exactly the same as they were in the army," the general said. "Nothing to it-you'll catch on again fast." Next morning promptly at eight o'clock, the ex-orderly entered the ex-general's bedroom, pulled open the drapes, gave the general a gentle shake, strode around the other side of the bed, spanked his employer's wife on her bottom and said, "OK, sweetheart, it's back to the village for you." 相同的职责一个退休的四星级将军在曼哈顿的一个酒吧偶然地遇到了他以前的勤务兵,勤务兵也退休在家。这位将军花了一整个晚上的时间来说服他回来做他的贴身随从。“你的职责与在军队时完全一样,”将军说,“这没什么,你很快就会再次理解它的。” 第二天早晨八点钟时,前勤务兵迅速地进到前将军的卧室,拉开窗帘,轻轻地摇了摇将军,然后大步走到床的另一侧,在他雇主的妻子屁股上拍了一下,说道:“好了,甜心,你该回到村庄去了。” 你爷爷 A well dressed young man demanded as soon as he entered the restaurant:"Serve me, quick! Give me your best. I don't care the price."Not like the way he talked, the waiter said to him: "Hey Buddy, it doesn't matter you have a lot of money. You are still son of somebody, and grandson of somebody else."The young man raged: "Dare you! Tell me, who wants me to be his grandson?"The waiter replied with ease: "Nobody. Just your grandfather." 一位衣冠楚楚的年青人一进饭店就大声嚷嚷:“喂,有什么好菜尽管端上来,钱多少我不在乎。”服务员听了很不是滋味:“哥儿们,钱多顶个屁,你不照样得做别人的儿子,就是有人要你做孙子你也不敢不做!”年青人勃然大怒:“谁敢占老子的便宜?你说,是谁不要命了,胆敢要老子做他的孙子?”服务员慢条斯理地答道:“你爷爷!” 相亲 After being with her all evening, the man couldn't take another minute with his blind date. Earlier, he had secretly arranged to have a friend call him to the phone so he would have an excuse to leave.When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said, "I have some bad news. My grandfather just died.""Thank heavens," his date replied. "If yours hadn't, mine would have had to!" 和盲约对象呆了一晚上后,男人再也受不了了。他事先安排了个朋友给他打电话,这样他就能借故先离开了。当他回到桌边,他垂下眼睛,装出一副阴沉的表情,说:“有个不幸的消息,我的祖父刚刚去世了。”“谢天谢地!”他的约会对象说,“如果你的祖父不死,我的`祖父就得死了!” Boss's idea When my printer's type began to go faint, I called a repair shop where a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned. Because the shop charged 50 pounds for such cleanings, he told me, it would be better for me to read the printer's directions and try the job myself. Pleasantly surprised by his words, I asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?" "Actually it's my boss's idea," the employee replied. "We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to repair things themselves first." 由于我的打印机不能打印出清晰的字来,我就打电话给维修部。电话是一位非常和蔼的男人接的,他说我的打印机也许只是需要清理一下。 他还说,如果让维修部清理的话要交50英镑的清理费,让我最好看看使用手册自己试着清理。 当时我真的被他的话感动了,就问他:“你们老板知道你这样拒绝生意么?” “事实上,这就是我们老板的主意,”雇员答道:“因为如果我们让用户先自行修理打印机的话就能挣更多的钱。”类似笑话
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