简短英文笑话大全一: A new dorm rule was announced. 新宿舍规范出台了。 “The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, so too the male dormitory to the female students. “女生宿舍将全面谢绝男生的光顾,男生宿舍也同样不得进入女生。” "Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time." "不论是谁,一旦违规,初犯将被罚款20美元。” "Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60." "第二次违规者要被罚款60美元。" "Being caught a third time will incur a hefty fine of $180. Are there any questions?" 第三次被抓住需要交180美元的罚款。还有什么疑问没有?” "At this, a male student in the crowd inquires, “Er... How much for a season pass?" "这时人群中一个男同学问讯道,“那么一个季度通行证需要多少钱?” Notes: 注释Out of bounds: 禁止入内的 To Incur: to cause 招致什么样的后果Hefty: heavy; considerable size or amount, 重型, 很巨大的一笔钱财 简短英文笑话大全二: A bus load of politicians were driving down a country road when all of a sudden the bus ran off the road and crashed into a tree in an old farmer's field. The old farmer after seeing whathappened went over to investigate. He then proceeded to dig a load of holes and buried all the politicians. 一辆满载政客的大汽车在乡间路上行驶,突然偏离大陆,撞到一棵树上。这棵树正长在一位老年农民的地里。农民看见发生事故就跑去看看情况。最后农民挖了一个大坑,把所有的政客都埋了。 A few days later, the local sheriff came out, saw the crashed bus, and then asked the old farmer, "Were they ALL dead?" The old farmer replied, "Well, some of them said they weren't, but you know how them politicians lie." 几天后,当地县治安官来到这里,看见被撞坏的汽车,问这位老农民:“‘所有人’都死了?” 老农民回答说:“呃...有些人说他们还活着,但是你知道政客们就喜欢撒谎。” 简短英文笑话大全三: A guy burned two ears... so they were asking him at the hospital how it happened. 一个男人的两只耳朵都被烫伤了...在医院的.时候别人就问他是如何烫到的。 He said, "I was ironing my clothing and the phone rang...so instead of the phone I picked up the iron and burned my ear..." 他说:“我正在熨衣服的时候,电话响了...当时我把熨斗当成电话抓起来接听了。” "But how the heck did you burn the other ear?" The doctor asked. 医生说:“但是你是如何烫到另一只耳朵的呢?” "How do you think I called you people?" “因为我想给你打电话呀!”类似笑话
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