冰箱里的小兔子 A lady opened her refrigerator and saw a rabbit sitting on one of the shelves, "What are you doing in there?" she asked. 一位女士打开冰箱门,发现一只兔子坐在其中的一层隔板上,就问它:“你在那里做什么?” The rabbit replied, "This is a Westinghouse, isn't it?" 兔子回答:“这是Westinghouse对不对?”(Westinghouse,西屋电气公司) The lady confirmed, "Yes." 女士确认道:“没错。” "Well," the rabbit said,"I'm westing." 兔子说:“那就对了,我就是要往西边去。” Rabbit: Are you sure this bottle of special carrot juice will cure me? 兔子:你确信这瓶特制胡萝卜汁能治好我的病? Doctor: Absolutely. No rabbit ever came back for another. 医生:当然咯,凡是喝过的兔子没有一只来要第二瓶的。 Baby Rabbit: Mommy, where did I come from? 兔宝宝:妈咪,我是从哪儿来的呢? Mother Rabbit: I'll tell you when you're older. 兔妈妈:等你长大点再告诉你。 Baby Rabbit: Oh, Mommy, please, tell me now. 兔宝宝:噢妈咪,现在就告诉我吧,求您了。 Mother Rabbit: If you must know, you were pulled from a magician's hat. 兔妈妈:如果你一定要知道,那我告诉你你是从魔术师的帽子里被拽出来的。 法官与小偷 It was the Christmas season and the judge was in a merry mood as he asked the prisoner, “What is your offense?” “I did my Christmas shopping early this year,” cried the prisoner. “There’s nothing wrong with that,” said the Judge. “How early were you doing this shopping?” “Before the store opened,” answered the prisoner 圣诞佳节到来,法官心情愉悦的问受刑人: “你做了什么坏事啊?” “我今年圣诞节购物早了些。”犯人回答。 “那并不事件坏事”,法官说:“到底多早之前啊?” “商店开门之前。”犯人答道。 The Three Stages of Man男性成长三阶段 He believes in Santa Claus. He doesn’t believe in Santa Claus. He is Santa Claus! 相信圣诞老人的'存在。 不相信圣诞老人的存在。 自己是个圣诞老人! Motivation 动机 MY ENGLISH PROFESSOR once launched into a lecture on "motivation." "What pushes you ahead?" he asked. "What is it that makes you go to school each day? What driving force makes you strive to accomplish?" Turning suddenly to one young woman, he demanded: "What makes you get out of bed in the morning?" The student replied: "My mother." 我们英文课的教授有一次在课上讲“动机”。“是什么推动你在人生的路上向前走?”他问道,“是什么让你每天上学来?又是什么驱使你追求成功?”冲着一个女学生,他问:“是什么让你早晨从床上爬起来的呢?”学生答道:“我妈妈。” Mental deficiency 智力缺陷 "Would you mind telling me, Doctor," Bob asked ..."how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?" "Nothing is easier," he replied. "You ask him a simple question which everyone should answer with no trouble. If he hesitates, that puts you on the track." " Well, What sort of question?" "Well, you might ask him, 'Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them. Which one?' Bob thought for a moment, and then said with a nervous laugh, "You wouldn't happen to have another example would you? I must confess I don't know much about history." “医生,你能不能告诉我,”鲍勃问,“对于一个看上去很正常的人,你是怎样判断出他有智力缺陷的呢?”“再没有比这容易的了,”医生回答,“问他一个简单的问题,简单到所有人都知道答案,如果他回答得不干脆,那你就知道是怎么回事了。”“那要问什么样的问题呢?”“嗯,你可以这样问,‘库克船长环球旅行了三次,但是在其中一次的途中他去世了,是哪一次呢?’”鲍勃想了一会儿,紧张的回答道,“你就不能问另外一个问题吗?坦率地说,我对历史了解的不是很多。” Beware of Dog! 小心有狗 As a stranger entered a little country store, he noticed a sign warning, "Danger! Beware of dog!" posted on the glass door. Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register. "Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?" he asked the owner. "Yep, that's him," came the reply. The stranger couldn't help but be amused. "That certainly doesn't look like a dangerous dog to me. Why in the world would you post that sign?" "Because," the owner explained, "Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him!" 一名陌生人走进一家乡间小商店,看到玻璃门上帖着的一个告示牌上写着,“危险! 小心有狗!” 进去后,他看到一条样子一点都不凶的老狗趴在收款机旁边的地板上睡觉。 “这就是大伙都得留神的那只狗啊?” 陌生人问店主。“是,就是他”,店主回答。 听到这个回答, 陌生人觉得很好笑。“我觉得那条狗一点都不可怕。 你帖那个告示做什么?” “因为,” 店主解释说,“在我帖告示之前, 大伙老被他绊倒。”类似笑话
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