带翻译短一: Yesterday Charles met his old schoolmate Joe and congratulated him on his recent marriage. When Charles asked about the difference between a fiancee(未婚妻) and a wife, he said, "When she was my fiancee, I saw only a part of her. When she is my wife, I see the whole of her.""So love is blind, and marriage is an eye-opener," Charles commented. 英语笑话带翻译短二: Max sat at the bar totally dejected(沮丧的.) . The bartender(酒保) served him his second drink and said, "What's wrong pal?""I'll never understand women." Max said. "The other night my wife threw me a birthday party. She told me that later on, as her gift to me, I could do with her whatever I wanted.""Wow!" said the bartender. "But why so unhappy? That sounds like quite a gift to me.""Well," Max went on, "I thought about it and sent her home to her Mother. Now she won't even speak to me." 英语笑话带翻译短三: Mother to daughter: “What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable?” “Of cause he is, Mom. He's thrifty, doesn't drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children.” 母亲问女儿:“你的新男朋友是怎样一个人?他很体面吗?” “当然很体面,妈妈。他很节俭,不抽烟不喝酒,有一个贤慧的妻子和三个有教养的孩子。”类似笑话
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