犯人说:“因为我在新年时,太早去采购了。”他说:“商店还没开门,我就已经进去了。”更多尽在应届毕业生笑话网。 幽默诙谐的秃头老人--双语 One day, he went out hunting with some friends. A strong wind suddenly blew his wig off. When his friends saw what had happened, they started laughing so hard that they could not stop. 有一天,他和几个朋友出去打猎。突然,刮起了大风,把他的假发吹得无影无踪。朋友们看到此情此景,乐得不行,笑个不停。 The bald guy started laughing, too, and just as loudly as the other men. He said to his friends, “How can I expect my fake hair to stay on my head when even my real hair won’t stay there?” 秃头老先生也开始大笑,笑容和其他人一样灿烂,笑声和其他人一样响亮他对朋友们说:“我的真发都急慌慌地要离开我,我的`假发又怎么会愿意呆在我的头上呢?” 拥有百分之百的把握借东西--双语幽默笑话 Mr. Johnson: Are you using you mower this afternoon? 约翰逊先生:今天下午你准备用割草机吗? Mr.Smith: Yes. 史密斯先生:是的。 Mr.Johnson: Fine. Then can I borrow your tennis racket, since you won't be needing it? 约翰逊先生:太好了。既然您不用网球拍,那我可以借用一下吗? “过早采购”也是一种犯罪--双语幽默笑话 An offender was brought to trial before a judge. The judge asked him, "What is the crime you have committed?" 有个犯人被带到法官面前审案,法官问他:“你犯了什么罪?” The offender said, "I went shopping too early during the New Year." 犯人说:“因为我在新年时,太早去采购了。” The judge said, "This is not a crime! Is there a mistake, perhaps? So how early did you go shopping?" 法官说:“这不是罪呀!可能是弄错吧?那你多早去采购呢?” He answered, "The shop was not yet open for business, and I was already inside." 他说:“商店还没开门,我就已经进去了。”类似笑话
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