英语笑话短文 搞笑
短文 搞笑:"Pullover"or"pull-over" A cop spotted a woman driving and knitting at the same time. Coming up beside her, he said, "Pull over!" "No," she replied, "a pair of socks!" 英语笑话短文 搞笑:"Suspiciouswoman Sometimes women are overly suspicious of their husbands. When Adam stayed out very late for a few nights, Eve became upset. "You’re running around with other women," she charged. "You’re being unreasonable," Adam responded. "You’re the only woman on earth." The quarrel continued until Adam fell asleep, only to be awakened by someone poking (戳, 捅, 拨开, 刺)him in the chest. It was Eve. "What do you think you’re doing?" Adam demanded. "Counting your ribs." 英语笑话短文 搞笑:"Theboy’sviewpoint A boy was wondering about a photograph in a newspaper. It showed a group of happy and cheering children carrying schoolbags with the caption at the bottom: "On Their Way To School". "It must be mistaken, I bet. They must be on their way home after school. I’m sure of this." the boy concluded.类似笑话
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