英语笑话:Who's carrying the bags
My youngest brother, Tony, had just completed basic training and was home on leave prior to his first tour in Germany. Since I was an Army National Guard pilot and my another brother was my crew chief, we offered to take Tony to catch his transport overseas.When we landed at Air Force Base, several of Tony's fellow privates came out to greet him. Tony ran ahead, while my another brother and I followed with his gear. As Tony approached his buddies, he was bewildered(困惑的) by their dumbfounded(目瞪口呆的) stares.Finally, he realized his friends weren't seeing his two brothers giving him a lift, they were seeing a new private arrive in his own helicopter -- with his captain and sergeant carrying his bags! 我最年幼的弟弟托尼刚刚完成基本训练,在进行第一次德国之行前请假回家。我是国民警卫队的飞行员,我的另一个弟弟是我们部门的长官,我们提出去送托尼。当我们在空军基地降落时,托尼的几个士兵朋友出来迎接他。托尼跑在前面,而我和另一个弟弟提着他的衣物跟在后面。当托尼跑向他的.伙伴时,他们目瞪口呆的神情让托尼很是疑惑。最后,他意识到,他的朋友看到的不是他的两个哥哥在给他提行李,他们看到的是一个新兵从他自己的直升机走下来,身后跟着给他提行李的队长和士兵。类似笑话
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