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2022-11-17 01:00:00

英语笑话带翻译 2015

  带翻译 2015:Tell what happened

  The policeman arrived at the scene of an accident to find that a car had struck a telephone pole.Searching for witnesses, he discovered a pale, nervous young man in work clothes who claimed he was an eyewitness. Exactly where were you at the time of the accident? inquired the officer. Mister, exclaimed the telephone lineman, I was at the top of the pole!

  英语笑话带翻译 2015:知道"Family"这个单词的含义吗?

  知道"Family"这个单词的.含义吗? 爸 F ather和 A nd妈 M other我 I爱 L ove你 Y ou爸妈我爱你=家庭

  英语笑话带翻译 2015:Homework

  A ten year old student asked,"Teacher,would you punish me for something Ididn’t do?” "Of course not.”The teacher replied. The kid said,"Good, because I didn’t do my homework.” 一个十岁的学生问:"老师,你不会因为我没有做过的事而处罚我吧?” 老师回答:"当然不会.” 这孩子说:"太好了!因为我没有做家庭做业.”

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