简单英文笑话带翻译一: Jack feell off his bicycle and got hurt. A beautiful young nurse asked him to fill forms. Jack finished them and gave them back."Anything else?" The nurse asked. "Yes,"Jack thinks for a while and said,"I\'m a bachelor." 简单英文笑话带翻译二: If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman 吻她吧,不够君子 If you don't, you are not a man 不吻吧,不象汉子 If you praise her, she thinks you are lying 夸她吧,说你欺骗 If you don't, you are good for nothing 不夸吧,说你笨蛋 If you agree to all her likes, she is abusing 顺她吧,说你气管炎 If you don't, you are not understanding 不顺吧,不善解人 If you make romance, you are an 'experienced man' 太浪漫,疑你老练 If you don't you are half a man 太规矩,魅力不足 If you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring 常看她,招她厌烦 If you don't, she accuses you of double crossing 少去点,怨你猎艳 If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy 穿得好,说你花心 If you don't, you are a dull boy 邋遢些,缺个心眼 If you are jealous, she says it's bad 吃醋吧,你太狭隘 If you don't , she thinks you do not love her 大度点,说你不爱 If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect her 求欢吧,不够尊重 If you don't, she thinks you do not like her 安分吧,不够爱宠 If you are a minute late, she complains it's hard to wait 你晚了,她等得烦 If she is late, she says that's a girl's way 她晚了,女孩特权 简单英文笑话带翻译三: A Soldier's Brilliant Idea Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already had been taken except for one. There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one, and Mr. Robinson was surprised that he had not taken the one by the window; but, anyhow, he at once went towards it. When he reached it, however, he saw that there was a notice on it. It was written in ink and said, "This seat is preserved for proper load balance, thank you." Mr Robinson had never seen such an unusual notice in a plane before, but he thought that the plane must be carrying something particularly heavy in it, so he walked on and found another empty seat, not beside a window, to sit in. Two or three people tried to sit in the window seat beside the soldier, but they too read the notice and went on, when the plane was nearly full, a very beautiful girl hurried into the plane. The soldier, who was watching the passengers coming in, quickly took the notice off the seat beside himself and in this way succeededin having the company of the girl during the whole trip.类似笑话
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