顾客和服务员之间的对话 顾客:小心,你的大拇指在我汤里了! 服务员:别担心,先生,不是很烫! Diner: Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup! Waiter: Don't worry, Sir, it's not that hot! 一个服务员给顾客拿来了牛排,大拇指在牛肉上。 “你疯了吗?”顾客喊到,“你的手在我的牛排上!” “什么?”服务员说,“你想让它再掉地上?” A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat. "Are you crazy?" yelled the customer, "with your hand on my steak?" "What" answers the waiter, "You want it to fall on the floor again?" 服务员:茶或咖啡?先生。 第一个顾客:我要茶 第二个顾客:我也是茶——杯子要干净的! 服务员:两杯茶,哪个要干净的杯子? Waiter: "Tea or coffee, gentlemen?" 1st customer: "I'll have tea." 2nd customer: "Me, too - and be sure the glass is clean!" (Waiter exits, returns) Waiter: "Two teas. Which one asked for the clean glass?" 创新句子:我坚持用干净杯子喝茶。 服务员,这只苍蝇在我汤里干什么? 看起来象是在仰泳,先生…… Waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup? Um, looks to me to be backstroke, sir... 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 别担心,先生,面包里的.蜘蛛会干掉它。 Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! Don't worry sir, the spider on the breadroll will get 'em. 服务员,我汤里有只苍蝇! 不是,先生,那是蟑螂,苍蝇在你牛排里。 Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! No sir, that's a cockroach, the fly is on your steak. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 别让别人看见,先生,要不别人都要。 Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! Keep it down sir, or they'll all be wanting one. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 我知道,先生,我们没有另收钱。 Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! Its OK, Sir, there's no extra charge! 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 对不起,先生,我弄走那三个时忘了这个。 Waiter, there is a fly in my soup! Sorry sir, maybe I've forgotten it when I removed the other three. 服务员,汤里有只死苍蝇! 是的,先生,是开水杀死了它们。 Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup! Yes sir, it's the hot water that kills them. 服务员,汤里有只死苍蝇! 1美元你想要什么——活的? aiter, there's a dead fly in my soup! What do you expect for $1 - a live one? 服务员,汤里有只蜜蜂! 是的,先生,今天苍蝇。 Waiter, waiter, there's a bee in my soup. Yes Sir, it's the fly's day off. 服务员,来杯咖啡,不加奶油。 对不起,先生,奶油没了,不加奶怎么样? Waiter, I'd like a cup of coffee, please, with no cream. I'm sorry, sir, but we're out of cream. How about with no milk? Waiter, this coffee tastes like dirt! Yes sir, thats because it was only ground this morning. Ground:研磨;地面 服务员,你的领带在我的汤里了。 没关系,先生,它不缩水。 Waiter, your tie is in my soup! That's all right, sir, it's not shrinkable.类似笑话
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