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笑话 英语笑话

2023-11-23 01:00:00



  A preacher is buying a parrot."Are you sure it doesn't scream, yell, or swear?" asked the preacher."Oh absolutely. It's a religious parrot," the storekeeper assures him."Do you see those strings on his legs? When you pull the right one, he recites the lord's prayer, and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd Psalm.""Wonderful!" says the preacher, "but what happens if you pull both strings?""I fall off my perch, you stupid fool!" screeched the parrot.


  Peter was telling a friend that he had just lost his job.

  "Why did the foreman fire you?" the friend asked in surprise.

  "Oh," Peter said, "you know how foreman are. They stand around with their hands in their pockets watching everybody else work."

  "We all know that," replied his friend. "But why did he let you go?"

  "Jealousy," answered Pete. "All the other workers thought I was the foreman."


  Little boy: Daddy, I want to get married.

  Father jokingly said: Oh! Who did you have in mind?

  Little boy: Grandma.

  Father: Wait a minute, you did not think I'd let you marry my mother, did you?

  Little boy: Why not? You married mine.

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