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英语幽默故事 翻译
故事 英语笑话

2024-09-07 01:00:00

英语幽默故事 翻译

  英语幽默故事 翻译一:

  Clever Thieves Police: When can it be that the thieves broke into your house? Owner: How could I know as my watch was stolen?

  警察:你估计小偷是什么时候进入你家的? 失主:我的手表都被偷走了,我怎么知道是什么时候?

  英语幽默故事 翻译二:

  Birthday Professor: When is your birthday? Kid: May 30. Professor: Which year? Kid: Every year

  教授:你的`生日是什么时候? 孩子:5月30日。 教授:哪一年? 孩子:每年都是。

  英语幽默故事 翻译三:

  Mushroom and Toadstool Younger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool? Older Scout: Just eat one before you go to bed. If you wake up the next morning, it was a mushroom.

  年少的童子军:我怎样才能把蘑菇和毒蕈区别开呢? 年长的童子军:上床前吃一个。如果你第二天早上醒来,那就是蘑菇。

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