OLD CREDIT CARDS never die, they just expireOLD CRICKETERS never die, they just get bowled overOLD CRICKETERS never die, they just get smashed for sixOLD DANCERS never die, they just step awayOLD DAREDEVILS never die, they just get discouragedOLD DEANS never die, they just lose their facultiesOLD DENTISTS never die, they just lose their pullOLD DIETERS never die, they just waist awayOLD DIVERS never die, they just extend their bottom timeOLD DIVERS never die, they just flopOLD DIVERS never die, they just get boardOLD DIVERS never die, they just lose their springOLD DOCTORS never die, they just lose their patienceOLD EDITORS do it with a red penOLD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS never die, they just have slower rise times
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