●睡前祷告词 Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God," she said, "Make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy." Her mother interrupted and said, "Julie, why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?" And Julie replied, "Because that's what I put in my geography exam!" 朱莉叶在做睡前祷告。“祷告上帝,”她说,“让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。” 妈妈打断她说:“朱莉叶,你为什么求上帝让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都呢?” 朱莉叶回答说:“因为我在地理考卷上是这么写的。” ●几月走的 When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it at lightening speed. You shouldn't wait any longer after he has had his head nod. So he was blamed for no manners. Then some warmhearted men taught him, "When you bow to somebody next time, you can count 'January, February, March. until December. Then you can lift your body up. Thus, the ceremony will be perfect. The next day, he met his uncle, he did as the men told him. The bow was so long that it made his uncle feel surprised and escaped away soon . When Jack looked up, he found his uncle gone . So he asked the passer, "Which month did he go away?" 杰克给人鞠躬,飞快地一点头,就算完了。大家都怪他不懂礼貌。于是便有好心的人教他说,“下次鞠躬的时候,你就在心里数:正月、二月、……一直数到十二月为止,然后再直起身来。这样,礼节就周全了。” 第二天,杰克见到他的叔叔,他便如法炮制。这躬鞠得太久,叔叔吃了一惊,赶紧逃开了。杰克抬头一看,其叔早已不知去向,他便问过路人:“我叔叔几月走的?” ●the important of a second language A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered, the cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away. Turning to her kittens, the cat said, "You see how important it is to know a second language." 一天,一只猫妈妈领着4只小猫在路上走,却遇到了一只大狗。小猫们吓的蜷缩成了一团,这时猫妈妈吼出了一连串的汪汪声,大狗被吓跑了。猫妈妈转过身来对几个小猫说,“孩子们,看看掌握一门外语是多么的重要呀!” ●Easy or Not Pulling alongside our drive-up bank window, a woman was not happy with her position. So she backed up and pulled closer. Still not satisfied, she backed away and tried again. After five attempts, she finally parked the car and rolled down her window. I greeted her with a simple "Good morning". "Good morning," she replied cheerfully. "I'm going to have to use this drive-up all the time. It's so easy!" 一位妇女把车沿着我们银行的驱车直达窗口开过来,可她并不满意于她停的位置。因此她倒车,靠得更近点。还是不满意,倒车,再来。五次努力后,终于她把车停下来,摇下车窗。我简单地问候她一声“早上好”。 “早上好,”她愉快地回答说,“以后我都要使用这种驱车直达窗口。真是如此的方便。” ●假如我是一个经理 One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition – If I Am a Manager.All the students began to write except a boy. The teacher went to him and asked the reason.I am waiting for my secretary, was the boy’s answer. 一天课上,老师要同学们以如果我是一个经理为题写一篇。所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。老师走过去问他为什么不写。我在等我的秘书。那孩子答道。 ●A Life for a Life(以“命”抵命) The English author,Richard Savage,was once living in London in great poverty.In order to earn a little money he hadwritten the story of his life,but not many copies of the bookhad been sold in the shops,and Savage was living from hand tomouth.As a result of his lack of food he became very ill,butafter a time,owing to the skill of the doctor who had lookedafter him,he got well again.After a week or two the doctorsent a bill to Savage for his visits, but poor Savage hadn't anymoney and couldn't pay it.The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill again. But still no money came. Afterseveral weeks he sent it to him again asking for his money.Inthe end he came to Savage's house and asked him for payment,saying to Savage,“You know you owe your life to me and Iexpected some gratitude from you.” “I agree,” said Savage,“that I owe my life to you, and toprove to you that I am not ungrateful for your work I will givemy life to you.”With these words he handed to him two volumes entitled,The life of Richard Savage. 英国作家理查德·萨维奇一度在伦敦过着贫困潦倒的'生活,为了赚几个钱,他曾写了有关他自己生平的故事。但是这部书在书店里并没有卖出几本,萨维奇过着朝不保夕的日子。由于缺乏食物,他病得很厉害。后来,由于给他治疗的那个医生的高明医术,他才又恢复了健康。过了一两个星期之后,医生给萨维奇送来了一张讨要诊费的帐单,但是贫穷的萨维奇没有钱来偿付。医生等了一个月后又送来了帐单,但仍然未索回分文。几个星期之后,他又送来帐单要钱。最后,医生本人来到了萨维奇的家中,对他说:“你明白,你是欠我一条命的,我希望你有所报答。” “是的,”萨维奇说,“我是欠你一条命,为了向你证明我对你的诊治不是不报答,我将把我的命给你。” 说着这番话,萨维奇递给医生两卷书,名叫《理查德·萨维奇的一生》。 ●我要做的一切就是付钱!All I do is pay "My family is just like a nation," Mr. Brown told his colleague. "My wife is the minister of finance, my mother-in-law is the minister of war, and my daughter is foreign secretary." "Sounds interesting, " his colleague replied. "And what is your position?" "I’m the people. All I do is pay." 布朗先生告诉同事说:“我的家简直就象一个国家一样。我妻子 是财政部长。我岳母是作战部长,我女儿是外交秘书。” “听上去挺有意思的,”他的同事说,“那你的职务是什么呢?” “我就是老百姓。我要做的一切就是付钱。” ●喂狗 For the Dog The family seated in a restaurant had finished their dinner when Father Called over the waiter. "My son has left quite a lot of meat on his plate," explained Father, "Could you give me a bag so that I can take it home for the dog?" "Gosh, Dad!" exclaimed the excited boy. "Have we got a dog then?" 一家人在饭馆里吃过晚饭,父亲把服务生叫了过来。 ”先生,什么事?“服务生问。 ”我儿子的盘子里剩下许多肉,“父亲说,”能给我们一个袋子吗?我把剩下的东西带回去喂狗。“ ”啊呀,爸爸!“儿子激动地叫喊着。”咱家养狗了吗?“类似笑话
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