总是有些时候莫名其妙的不开心,心情不佳的时候就会办什么都不在状态,你会这样么?这里小编收集整理了长大全爆笑,让你的心情速速好起来。 长英语笑话大全爆笑篇一:Don't bother me 别烦我 One day a kind man met a panicky little boy in his neighbor-hood when he was going home from his office. He noticed that the boy seemed to have fought with other boys. He kindly said: "Why do you have a black eye, little man? I am sorry to see that?" Unexpectedly the boy replied angrily: "Don't bother me. You go home to feel sorry for your own little boy-he has got two!" 有一天一个好心的人下班回家时,在他居住的小区里碰到一个神色慌张的小男孩。 他注意到这个孩子像是刚和别的`孩子打过架,就亲切的对他说:“小家伙,你怎么会有个黑眼眶呀?看到你这样,我很为你难过?” 不料这个小男孩竟然气冲冲地回答说:“别烦我。你回家去为你自己的小男孩难过吧。他有两个黑眼眶。” 长英语笑话大全爆笑篇二: In court a judge asked the witness, “How old are you? I mean, really, how old are you? And remember, you’re under oath, so tell the truth.” The woman replied, “I’m twenty one and some months.” The judge said, “Be specific: how many months?” So she said, “One hundred and eighteen months.” 庭上的法官问证人:“您多大了?我的意思是,真实年龄是多少?别忘了刚才你已经宣誓过,所以请诚实作答。” 女士回答:“我二十一岁又几个月。” 法官说:“要讲精确,到底是多少个月?” 她回答:“一百一十八个月!” 长英语笑话大全爆笑篇三:I’m the groom. 我就是新郎。 A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. "But officer," the man began, "I can explain." "Just be quiet," snapped the officer. "I'm going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back." "But, officer, I just wanted to say,..." "And I said to keep quiet! You're going to jail!" A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, "Lucky for you that the chief's at his daughter's wedding. He'll be in a good mood when he gets back." "Don't count on it," answered the fellow in the cell,"I'm the groom." 在一个小镇里,一个警官拦住了一个在主街道上超速行驶的骑摩托车者。 “但是,警官,”这个男人开口说,“听我解释,” “安静,”警官打断了他,“我要让你到监狱里做冷板凳,一直到长官回来。” “但是警官,我只是想说…” “我说过了,安静,你将要下监狱!!” 几个小时之后,警官看着他的犯人说,“你足够的幸运,长官正在参见他女儿的婚礼,当他回来的时候一定心情不错。” “别指望了,”监狱里的伙计说,“我就是新郎。”类似笑话
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