有趣的英文笑话一: An offender was brought to trial before a judge. The judge asked him, "What is the crime you have committed?"The offender said, "I went shopping too early during the New Year."The judge said, "This is not a crime! Is there a mistake, perhaps? So how early did you go shopping?"He answered, "The shop was not yet open for business, and I was already inside." 有趣的英文笑话二: A man called a lawyer and asked, “How much would you charge me to answer three questions?” The lawyer said, “$400 dollars!”And the man said, “That’s a lot of money, isn’t it?”The lawyer said, “I guess so. What’s your third question?” 有趣的英文笑话三: There was a banker who attended a dinner party, and a friend said to him, "Oh! I heard that your bank is looking for a cashier," and the banker said "Yes, yes, we are, we are." And then the friend said, "But I thought you just hired one a few weeks ago."So the banker replied, "Yes, yes, indeed, we did. That's the one we're looking for now."So the friend said, "Can you describe him? What does he look like?" And the banker replied, "Well, he is about five feet tall and (we're about) one hundred thousand dollars short."类似笑话
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