有笑话,大家一起笑,这就是分享快乐,也许,快乐就是这么简単。下面小编为你带来幽默英文笑话短文带翻译,希望你会喜欢。 幽默英文笑话短文带翻译
思不断! After spending all day watching football,Harry fell asleep in front of the TV and spent the night in the chair. In the morning,his wife woke him up."Get up, dear," she said. A It's twenty to seven. " 看了一整天的橄榄球赛,亨利倒头睡在了电视机旁的椅子上。第二天早上,他的妻子来叫他起床:“起来吧,亲爱的,差二十分七点了。” He woke with a start. "In whose favor?" 他被惊醒了,爬起来问:“哪方领先?”幽默英文笑话短文带翻译【
分享 As the mother of three small children born two years apart, I'm often very tired in the evening. Their father and I have set strict rules that after stories,prayers, one drink and the bathroom scene,they must go to bed and stay there. 作为一个每隔两年生一个小孩,现已是三个小孩的母亲,我到晚止时常感列精疲力尽。他们的父亲和我给孩子们订下严格的规定:讲完故事、祈祷、喝水、上厕所之后,他们必须马上上床睡觉。不许再干别的事。 One night,after a particularly trying day,all three were finally tucked in and I headed to the kitchen for some cookies,milk and solitude. I had just started to relax when I was surrounded by three little people,standing there watching me eat. Turning to their father I asked,"Do we relent or stick with the rules?" 一天晚上,经过了一番努力,三个孩子终于钻进了被窝。我来到了厨房想吃点饼干,喝点牛奶,独自呆一会儿。我刚想放松一下,就被二个孩子团团围住。他们站在那儿盯着我吃东西.我转向他们的.父亲问:“我们还要不要遵守规定了?” Our three-year-old piped up,”Stick with the rules,Mom. " 我们三岁的小孩说:“妈妈,还是坚持按规定做吧!” Knowing she didn't really want to be sent back to bed,I asked,"And what are the rules,Mellisa?" 我知道她不想去睡觉,就问:“玛丽莎,那么规定是怎么说的呢?” "Share with one another,"she replied. “有福同享。”她回答说。幽默英文笑话短文带翻译【
幸运? Walking to work one day, my husband was hit by a car. It was a minor accident and the driver apologized,adding; "You certainly are lucky. We're right next to a doctor's office." 有一天我丈夫走路去上班,被汽车给撞了。我丈夫伤势不太重。司机向他道了歉,随后又说:“你太幸运了,我们就在医务室附近。” "I don't know how lucky that is ,"my husband replied."I' m the doctor. " 我丈夫回答说:“我并不感到有多幸运,我就是那儿的医生。”幽默英文笑话短文带翻译【
只能一辆! After retirement,our friends Jim and Evelyn began traveling around the United States in a motor home,towing their compact sedan behind. While driving through a shopping mall parking lot in New York,they were pleased when a motorist stopped his vehicle and signaled them through. 我的朋友吉姆和依娃林退休后,开始用他们的家庭式旅行车进行环美旅行。他们在旅行车后面还施着一辆小桥车备用。在经过纽约一家商店的停车场时,一个骑摩托的小伙子很礼貌地停下来示意让他们先过。这令他们很高兴。 Seconds later,they were jolted to a stop by a loud crash behind them. To their amazement,the polite motorist had demolished their car. 几秒钟后,就听后边咔的一声巨响,他们停了车一看,那个小伙于把他们的小桥车给撞了。 His explanation:"I didn't mind letting you nice folks by,but I didn't want that compact car to sneak through too." 他的解释是这样的:“我不介意让你们这对好人通过,但我不想让那辆小轿车也跟着溜过去。”类似笑话