1分钟讲26个英文笑话 打破吉尼斯世界纪录 Clive Greenaway managed to say 26 one-liners in 60 seconds in front of a live audience to claim the record. 克莱夫·格里纳韦在现场观众面前用60秒讲了26个笑话,打破了记录。 Although the 57-year-old fell two jokes short of the 28 he had hoped for, it was still enough tooutdo rival Markus Weise by five jokes. 现年57岁的格里纳韦本希望能说28个笑话,虽然少了2个,也足以让他以5个笑话的优势超过对手马科斯·魏泽。 Mr Greenaway spent a year practising for the record and his act was so well-rehearsed that he was able to rattle off one joke every two seconds. 格里纳韦花了一年时间为破纪录做准备。他反复排练,让自己能每2秒就说出1个笑话。 One of the strict Guinness World Records' rules stated that the live audience of 250 people had to laugh to each joke, or the gag would not be counted. 吉尼斯世界纪录的规则非常严格,要求每个笑话让现场250名观众发笑,否则就不算数。 格里纳韦笑话选: 'My wife and I were happy - then we met' 我和我老婆认识前都活的挺开心的.。 'My wife dresses to kill - and cooks the same way' 我老婆衣着亮眼,厨艺杀人。 小编注:Dress to kill是一个习惯用语,意思是穿着时尚、亮眼。 'Pollen count - that's a tough job' 数花粉真不是个容易的活。 'I ate a ploughman's lunch - he was not happy' 我吃了农夫的午餐,他生气了。 Ploughman’s lunch一语双关,除了字面意思“农夫的午餐”外,还指由奶酪、腌菜和面包组成的一种英式冷餐。 'Went to the paper shop - but it had blown away' 要去纸店,结果它被风吹跑了。类似笑话
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