Three days to live 只能再活三天 One day, a professor asked his students: "If you have only three days to live in this world, what will you do?" Student A: I want to stay with my girl friend. Student B: I want to go back to see my parents. Student C: I will try my best to eat some delicious food.. Student D: Professor, I want to attend you lecture. Hearing this, the professor was no moved. He thought that anyhow there was still a student who wanted to attend his lecture. Just at this moment, he wanted very much to know why the student liked his lecture. So the professor asked: "Can I know the reason?" "Because when we are in your class, we feel that one day seems a year." Answered student D. 某日,一位教授问学生:“假如你们只剩下三天时间可以活在这个世界上的话,你们将会做些什么?” 学生A:我要和我的女朋友待在一起。 学生B:我要回家看父母。 学生C:我要使劲吃好些东西。 学生D:教授,我想听你讲课。 听到这里教授非常感动。心想,总算有学生愿意听自己的课。此时,英语小故事他很想知道学生喜欢他讲课的'原因。于是,教授问道:“我能知道原因吗?” “因为我们听教授的课有种度日如年的感觉。”学生D回答。类似笑话
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